First you need to find some baseball card holders. You can find them at wal-mart :) Or you can just go take them from your husbands collection :)
Then you organize your coupons either alphabetically or by category. I do mine by category IE- I made a category for breakfast/bread, frozen, dairy, soap etc.... Put your coupons in the slots however you decide to organize them.
Label them. I used little post-it notes that stick right to the sheet.
Add them to your binder. I picked this one up at wal-mart for about $7.00
This is what I carry to the store with me :) The zipper on the front is where I put all my coupons that I'm using at the store. As I put the item in my cart, I pull the coupon out of the sheet and put it in that pocket.
Towards the top there is another zippered pocket. I keep my calculator and my scissors in there. The front also opens up for me to store pens in and sometimes I keep my shopping lists in there.
Love the binder!!! Looks a lot like mine. :)